Annual Lunch and Talk at the Advocates’ Library

Annual Lunch and Talk at the Advocates’ Library

Join us for lunch and a talk on Gothic Revival church architect Sir Ninian Comper.

Venue: Advocates’ Library, Society of Advocates in Aberdeen
Time: 12.30
Cost: £30 to include two-course buffet lunch and wine

Local conservation architect James Roy will talk on Aberdeen-born church architect Sir Ninian Comper. James has carried out extensive work on Comper’s designs, so will be well-placed to answer the question posed in his title: ‘Comper: Brilliant Architect or Flawed?’

For more information and to book your place contact:
Amanda Booth
Events Convenor & Secretary
57 Gladstone Place
AB10 6UX
Tel: 07773 162896 / 01224 325764
Please make cheques payable to ‘AHSS’