Charles Rennie Mackintosh 1868-1926

Charles Rennie Mackintosh 1868-1926

Join us for a lecture on Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his contemporaries!

Venue: Room LT2, Dalhousie Building (corner of Old Hawkhill and Hunter Street), University of Dundee, DD1 4EN
Time: 18:00 – 21:00
Cost: Free

Arranged by the AHSS Tayside & East Fife Group; Dundee Historic Environment Trust and the University of Dundee postgraduate programmes in architectural conservation.

Mackintosh and his Glasgow contemporaries
CRM, the Pioneer of Modernism or Arts and Crafts Movement practitioner?
Dr James Macaulay Hon FRIAS, architectural historian, lecturer, author

James Macaulay was senior lecturer and head of architectural history at the Mackintosh School of Architecture. He has written the authoritative works on the Gothic Revival in Scotland, the Classical Country House in Scotland and monographs on Mackintosh’s Glasgow School of Art and Hill House, as well as the scholarly biographical account, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, published by Norton in 2010, which tonight’s lectures reference. James is a former office bearer of architectural societies including past chair of the AHSS, and is a Trustee of the Glasgow Art Club and of the Willow Tearooms Trust.