Glasgow’s Great Industrial Buildings

Glasgow’s Great Industrial Buildings

We are thrilled to have John Hume speaking to us on Glasgow’s exceptional industrial heritage!

Venue: The Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow
Time: 19.00 (coffee/tea); lecture starts at 19.30
Cost: £5 / Students £2 / season ticket for all 5 lectures: £20
If you wish to join the AHSS at one of our lectures you will receive a £10 discount on your first year’s membership (£45 reduced to £35). Students get their first year of membership free; thereafter £25.


John Hume, historian of industrial archaeology and architecture examines some of the extraordinary, magnificent and, indeed, noble buildings put up by Glasgow’s industrialists in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Tickets on Eventbrite (SOLD OUT) Tickets will be available to purchase on the door.


View the full programme of talks here


Fairfield Shipyard © Iain Wotherspoon