Glasgow’s Merchant City Walking Tour
Glasgow’s Merchant City Walking Tour
Join us for a tour of Glasgow’s Merchant City with architectural historian David Martin!
Venue: Merchant City, Glasgow
Time: 14:00
Cost: £10 (includes tour and coffee/tea in Babbity Bowster’s)
As City Heritage Officer in the 1980s, architectural historian David Martin was largely responsible for conceiving the idea of the ‘Merchant City’ as an area of historic urban conservation and renewal. He will take us on a two hour walk round the district giving us an insight into its original development and its more recent regeneration.
There will be a short break halfway through for tea or coffee at Babbity Bowster, a bar, restaurant and hotel in a restored 18th Century townhouse.
The tour will start in George Square, 2pm and numbers will be strictly limited, so do get your booking form in by 1st July.
Merchant City © Stephen D. Strowes licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0