Heroines of the Canongate: Urban Reform in Edwardian Old Town
Heroines of the Canongate: Urban Reform in Edwardian Old Town
Join us in learning about a new perspective on urban reform in
Edinburgh’s Old Town.

Venue: St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church, 13 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PA
Time: 18:30
Cost: £5 (£2.50 students)
Non-members welcome!
Members may attend 6 lectures for £25.
Urban reform in the Old Town is often associated with the names of H.D.Littlejohn and Patrick Geddes. The lecture adopts a different perspective, focusing on the many women who effected change in environments in and around the Canongate.
Dr Elizabeth Darling is Reader in Architectural History at Oxford Brookes University. Her work focuses on gender, space and reform in the 1890s-1940s, and the genesis and nature of English modernism between the wars; and sometimes the intersections between the two.Her books include Re-forming Britain (2007), Women and the Making of Built Space in England (2007) and Wells Coates (2012). The lecture derives from her ongoing research into women reformers in the Canongate, which has focused particularly on St Saviour’s Child Garden, one of the earliest Free Kindergarten’s in the UK.
Download the full talk programme here.