Restoration Opportunity
Restoration Opportunity
Join us in learning about eighteenth century landscape designer Humphry Repton!
Venue: Room LT2, Dalhousie Building (corner of Old Hawkhill and Hunter Street), University of Dundee, DD1 4EN
Time: 18:00 – 21:00
Cost: Free
Arranged by the AHSS Tayside & East Fife Group; Dundee Historic Environment Trust and the University of Dundee postgraduate programmes in architectural conservation.
Humphry Repton and the Valleyfield Red Book: Requiem for a Lost Landscape?
Christopher Dingwall, freelance garden historian
Talk 2, details to be confirmed
Christopher Dingwall has been a freelance garden historian for nearly thirty years, during which time he has worked on some of Scotland’s finest designed landscapes. For twelve years from 1992 to 2004 Christopher served as Conservation Officer with the Garden History in Scotland. He is currently Vice Chairman of, and Honorary Research Adviser to, Scotland’s Garden and Landscape Heritage. In tonight’s lecture, he will be asking whether it is too late to save what is left of the once grand estate of Valleyfield in Fife, the only Scottish commission of the celebrated English landscape gardener Humphry Repton (1752-1818).