The Scots legacy in Culcutta and the Hooghly Jute Mill
The Scots legacy in Culcutta and the Hooghly Jute Mill
Join us for a lecture on the Scots legacy in Culcutta!
Venue: Room LTS, Dalhousie Building (corner of Old Hawkhill and Hunter Street), University of Dundee, DD1 4EN
Time: 18:00 – 21:00
Cost: Free
The Dundee Conservation Lectures 2018.
Arranged by the AHSS Tayside & East Fife Group; Dundee Historic Environment Trust and the University of Dundee postgraduate programmes in architectural conservation.
The Scots legacy in Culcutta and the Hooghly Jute Mill
Dr James Simpson OBE, conservation architect and advisor.
James Simpson is one of the founding partners of Simpson & Brown Architects, one of the UK’s leading specialist consultants in building conservation. James has retired from practise and is now devoting some of his considerable energies to researching the predominantly Scots-developed communities around the Hooghly River in West Bengal, including the modern-day city of Culcutta. His talk will include a fascinating account of the Hooghly Jute Mill, still employing some 2500 people, with 300 mechanics maintaining machinery made by Urquhart, Lindsay & Co 100 years ago in Dundee, some few 100 yards north of our lecture theatre at the Blackness Foundry in Larch Street.