The Architecture of Matthew Steele

The Architecture of Matthew Steele

Join us for a lecture on the unique style of the provincial architect Matthew Steele

Venue: Online & in person at the Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP
Time: Lectures commence at 7.30pm
Cost: £5 / Students £2 / season ticket for all 5 lectures: £20
Tickets available on Eventbrite (and at the door, if at Renfield Centre)

Geoff Bailey, of the Falkirk Local History Society, talks about the unique style of the provincial architect Matthew Steele who gave the town of Bo’ness near Falkirk much of its present character. Working in the period 1910-1940, he adopted and adapted the latest designs and materials adding a Nordic twist to provide his own flavour. Within this the range is wide. His pioneering bespoke cinema is still a flagship project.

Download the full programme of lectures here


Image: Hippodrome Cinema – Bo’ness by Scotland by Camera is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0