The Workers Who Built the University of Glasgow, 1867-71
The Workers Who Built the University of Glasgow, 1867-71
Join us for a lecture which uncovers the fascinating story of the hundreds of masons, joiners,
bricklayers and labourers who built the University of Glasgow

Venue: Online & in person at the Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP
Time: Lectures commence at 7.30pm
Cost: £5 / Students £2 / season ticket for all 5 lectures: £20
Tickets available on Eventbrite (and at the door, if at Renfield Centre)
Joseph Sharples, Curator of Mackintosh Collections at the Hunterian, uncovers the fascinating story of the hundreds of masons, joiners, bricklayers and labourers who were drawn from across the British Isles to work on George Gilbert Scott’s new University; one of the biggest building projects in Victorian Scotland. Their itinerant careers offer vivid, human insights into the hidden world of Victorian construction.
Download the full programme of lectures here
Image: Image via Wikipedia Commons