Autumn Magazine 2013
Autumn Magazine 2013
An International View

If the Spring issue took a close look at West Coast projects and places, then this issue extends its gaze far and wide both geographically and thematically. We travel to Russia (twice), Italy and Haiti, and closer to home, to Yorkshire, Edinburgh, Ayr and Dumfriesshire.
A series of themes runs through this issue including energy efficiency, stained glass, archival research, theatres and the contribution of individuals to our collective knowledge. Sadly Peter Drummond writes his last ‘View from the Chair’, having completed a full five year term as Chairman.
Unsurprisingly, many the of the articles and reports touch on the planning system, and ask searching questions about how local and national government manage the process. How much of a voice do local communities have? How will further devolution of planning decisions impact upon our environment? What does conservation mean to the ‘IKEA generation’?
If you would like to purchase a hard copy please get in touch.
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