Autumn 2019 Programme Launch
Autumn 2019 Programme Launch
Patrick Geddes Centre has published its seasonal programme of events!
Join the Patrick Geddes Centre this autumn for a thought-provoking programme of cultural, music, craft and historical events. This season they will be exploring beyond Edinburgh to some of Patrick Geddes’ international projects, in particular his work in India.
In partnership with dedicated academics the study days will be full of new ideas and subject matter. Here are some of the specifically curated study days ‘Ahmedabad Walls: Geddes In India‘ and ‘Anna of Denmark: Queen Influencer‘. These subjects will be explored by prominent academic specialists in their fields, discussed alongside specifically curated visits to external exhibitions.
Follow this link to download the full autumn 2019 programme.
Tickets may be purchased online here or by calling 0131 510 8789. Any questions please contact