Royal High School Update July 2017

Royal High School Update July 2017

Planning Committee date announced for second hotel application

Following the local elections in May, the City of Edinburgh Council have appointed a new Development Management Sub-Committee.

The committee will meet on the 31st August 2017 to consider the second hotel application from Duddingston House Properties and the Urbanist Group for the former Royal High School on Regent Terrace. Anyone is welcome to attend the proceedings which will start at 10.00am in the City Chambers on the Royal Mile, Edinburgh. Presentations will be made by the Council Planning Officer, followed by those opposed to the application including Historic Environment Scotland, the Residents Association, Edinburgh World Heritage Trust, the Cockburn Association, and the AHSS. The presentations will then be completed by Duddingston House Properties’ representation.

The full report on both applications (Full planning permission and Listed Building Consent) from the Council’s Planning Officers has been published and is available to view HERE.

If you would like to help the campaign, please contact your local Councillor now with any concerns that you may have over the second hotel proposal. Visit our campaign page for helpful information on how to do this.If your Councillor is on the Committee, it is even more important that you get in touch, either via email or face-to-face. Any Councillor that is on the Committee is able to listen to your comments but will not make any comment in response.

The new Development Management Sub-Committee consists of the following Councillors:

Councillor Lewis Ritchie (Convenor)
Councillor Chas Booth
Councillor Ian Campbell
Councillor Maureen Child
Councillor Denis DixonCouncillor Ashley Graczyk
Councillor Joan Griffiths
Councillor Max Mitchell
Councillor Joanna Mowat
Councillor Hal Oslar
Councillor Alex Staniforth

For more information on this Committee please visit the Council website