The AHSS Objects to the Planning Applications for the out-of-scale Proposed Tower at 520 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

The AHSS Objects to the Planning Applications for the out-of-scale Proposed Tower at 520 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

AHSS Strathclyde Cases Panel has submitted our objection to the planning applications REF: 21/020068/LBA & 21/02069/FUL
for the erection of a new residential development within Glasgow’s Conservation Area.

Plans submitted to Glasgow City Council on behalf of Consensus Capital Group Ltd propose the creation of a new development of 87 units with a ground floor commercial unit between 520 Sauchiehall Street and 341 Renfrew Street, within the Glasgow Central Conservation Area.

The AHSS strongly objects to the applications for the proposed erection of a 14-storey high tower (including the ground floor and mezzanine) which will dominate the adjoining Listed Buildings and the skyline of the Conservation Area. Read our letter of objection here

To view the full applications, please visit the Glasgow City Council planning portal:




The deadline for comments is Tuesday 10 August 2021.

Image: 21_02069_FUL-PROPOSED_STREET_ELEVATIONS-4964598 uploaded on Glasgow City Planning Portal