Save Egyptian Halls: New charitable body established to lead calls to restore Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson’s A-listed warehouse in Glasgow

Led by the Scottish Civic Trust

Glasgow’s A-listed Egyptian Halls are a work of artistic genius by Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson, one of Scotland’s greatest architects. However, the future of the building is uncertain – Egyptian Halls has been lying empty for decades and was recently shortlisted as one of Europe’s ‘fourteen most endangered buildings’ by Europa Nostra, a pan-European heritage organisation.

Scottish Civic Trust are setting up a new charitable body composed of developers, architects and conservation experts to investigate buying and refurbishing the building.

Read the press release here

Sign up on the new website SAVE EGYPTIAN HALLS to receive updates on the progress.



Spring Magazine 2013

Any Hope for George Square?

The focus of this issue is squarely on the West Coast: with the amount of headlines generated by Glasgow City Council’s plans for George Square and the news of the Burrell Collection’s listed status and upcoming renovation, there has been enough happening in the area recently to more than fill all the pages!

As ever, we have a wide range of contributors, each offering their own perspective and point of view on the issues facing the sector. The competition to revamp George Square in Glasgow is probably one of the most publicly controversial architectural projects in recent years – with over 4,000 people signing a petition calling for the rejection of all shortlisted options. While the long term future of the square is still under discussion, we feature writer and critic Johnny Rodger’s take on the controversy, some rather off-the-wall alternative proposals and the views expressed by the Society’s Strathclyde cases panel.

If you would like to purchase a hard copy please get in touch.


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