Spring Magazine 2012

University Library, University of Aberdeen

As ever, the magazine aims to present a snap-shot of the historic built environment, as well as to share the activities and news of our Regional Groups and Cases Panels with all of our Society’s members.  In this issue, I’m pleased to welcome Barbara Cummins, Director of Heritage Management at Historic Scotland, as she discusses Historic Scotland’s changing relationship with local authority planning departments in the ‘Talking Point’.
The Spring 2012 issue also includes a tribute to Isi Metstein who died in January 2012; an update on the Maryhill Burgh Halls project; a report on the restoration of an intarsia panel at Mansfield Traquair Centre; and an overview of the history of the Union Terrace Gardens site in Aberdeen.  There is also a ‘One-Minute Memory from Simon Green, President AHSS, of his 18 months spent house-sitting the Glasite Meeting House following the retirement of its housekeeper.

If you would like to purchase a hard copy please get in touch.


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